Industrial Design

Industrial Design

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Coating Precautions – Sheth Group of Industries

Sheth group of Industries is a leading surface solution company providing surface preparation services like media blasting, abrasive blasting, sand blasting, shot blasting, grit blasting, glass blasting etc. SGI has achieved highest proficiency level in thermal coatings. Industrial paint coatings and linings and Inspection services are also key services of our portfolio. I would like to point out our recommended practice for coating precautions.

Proper Storage

Coating materials must be stored under conditions that ensure they remain clean and dry. Foreign matter and dirt or moisture will reduce the coating’s effectiveness.

Quality Control

Ensure coating materials have not exceeded the expiration date printed on the container. Liquid coating compounds are susceptible to degradation due to age, temperature, and transportation.Only in-date compounds should be used and use caution in selecting storage environments for coating components. Materials in previously opened containers that did not seal properly may not be usable.

Component Mixing

Hand mixing of multi-component coating should be discouraged. Powered mixers are preferred. Applicators must ensure that equipment is properly cleaned between mixing operations. Dried coating on a mixer may become partially dissolved by the liquid component(s) being mixed. Some multi-component coatings may require a certain amount of ‘activation time’ after mixing to allow proper chemical reactions between components to reach adequate completion before application. Manufacturer-supplied instructions should be followed closely to prevent any potential problems.


No matter how tough a coating may be, rough or careless handling can damage the coating. This may lead to weakened or dis-bonded areas which may later develop into coating faults. Mechanical damage should be limited as much as possible. Nylon slings, end hooks, padded caliper clamps, or other methods that minimize damage to coating will be used to handle the coated structure. The pipeline ditch must be clear of rock and other foreign matter. It may be necessary to pad the ditch with rock-free dirt, sand, and bags or ditch pads.

Field Conditions

Any repair made under field conditions where application conditions are not controlled is less likely to have the same long-term protective capabilities as the original coating.

Rock Shield Considerations

Select backfill, sand padding, rock shield or alternative coating should be used any time the backfill or trench has rock or extreme soil conditions requiring additional protection. If pipe is to be laid in ditch with a rocky bottom ditch should be over excavated and sand bags should be laid every 20 feet across bottom of ditch to keep pipe coating off the rocks. Under certain conditions, Powercrete or multi-layer coatings can be used in lieu of rock shield for new or replacement areas. Coating should be need-specific for the soil conditions, climate, and operating parameters.

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